The Porto Protocol

The Protocol of Porto is a vigorous initiative that motivates companies and individuals to do more to help them do what they are doing at the moment. It's free and open all ads sign up.
It all started with the wine industry, as the grape farmers are especially sensitive and vulnerable to the multiple impacts of an increasingly unpredictable climate. However, the climate change effects can be diminished if everyone plays their part and nowadays this wine industry initiative is more than just a call to action to all industries. It is a binding commitment by its signatories, from whatever area, to make a greater contribution to mitigating climate change.
More than just a commitment to take concrete action, The Porto Protocol will be a tool to engage the entire industry, encouraging it to work in concert towards our common goal: the minimization of the impacts of the Climate Change.
In this sense, I Love Douro, aware of its mission in the Douro region, has joined The Porto Protocol, representing this movement throughout the region.
If we share all our successes and experiences, we will all benefit from this overall development.
If you wish to join The Porto Protocol just contact us.